Thursday, April 17, 2008


Welcome to my blog.

I often think about how much better life, the world, relationships, family, work, play... whatever... would be, if we all would just take a few minutes on a regular basis and just think. Think in silence. When you actually stop and think what seems opaque gently fades to transparent.

I would like to use this blog as a forum to think out loud. I hope you will spend a little time thinking with me and sharing your thoughts. Maybe together we can change the world.
OK. Think about this...
Why doesn't the health care system in the United States reward physicians, hospitals, clinics and other providers for preventive care? In the current system health care providers make money from sick patients. The sicker the better. Shouldn't the system pay for keeping patients healthy? The healthier the better. With all of the squawking about the over burdened system and limited resources... keeping things the way they are doesn't make sense. What do you think?

1 comment:

Dana Prince said...

I think you're right. If more people slowed down and took time with themselves, they'd answer their own questions and figure out the solutions to their own problems. Regardless of your religious affiliation, I think meditation can be extremely powerful!

I agree about preventative care. Educating people about their health is vital. It is a great thing that today with the Internet, people have the ability to learn so much and question their care because doctors are not infallible.

Good, thought provoking post and great photographs on this blog!
