Sunday, July 27, 2008

Informed Consent

When a doctor hands you a piece of paper telling you to sign it, do you? Why? What are you signing? If you are sick or hurt and the doctor has to do some kind of surgery or procedure that is not a part of regular care, he/she must get your consent. Any procedure that is not a part of regular care (non-routine) that means the doctor has to go inside your body (invasive, cutting, inserting a tool, etc.) needs your consent. Informed consent means that your doctor has explained what is wrong with you (diagnosis). The doctor then explains what can be done to fix the problem (your options). The doctor will also tell you what would happen if you decided not to do anything to fix the problem (no treatment). During this talk and after, you can ask questions about what the doctor has said to be sure that you understand. Once the doctor has explained everything and you are sure that you know what he/she has said, then and only then should you sign the form that says you understand what the doctor has told you and you agree with what needs to be done. Signing the piece of paper is not the "informed consent". The informed consent is being told what is wrong, what can be done or not done, and having time to ask questions.

If your doctor asks you to sign forms and you are not sure what they are for or you can't understand what the doctor says, you can ask for help. Unless you are in an emergency, you need to always take time to know what you are signing. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to go to another doctor. It's your body. It's your choice.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who Makes A Good Friend?

I think a good friend is someone who introduces you to new and intereresting things, like music. Keeping in mind, a lot of people can introduce you to all kinds of crazy stuff, like drugs, violence, and all kinds of weird @#%^. But someone who ehances your world and shows you things you may never have seen before, to me that's someone who makes a good friend. So... thanks VK. Radiohead IS cool!

Be open to new things. You might actually enjoy it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Heaven in Paris


I was there
There is here
You won't find it where you're looking
What you seek is not lost
It is here where it has always been
If you wait... wait to find it
You will miss what you are seeking
You'll be there where it is not
Starting over to try again
Heaven is here
I was there
There is here

by Theresa E. Berger ~ 2000

Monday, July 14, 2008

What Defines You?

When you introduce yourself to someone, how do you define yourself? Hi... I'm his wife or her husband. I'm a lawyer, a bus driver, a teacher. I'm a mother, a father. I'm single. I'm an artist, a musician. I'm so stupid. I can't do anything. "I" What is that? Who is that? What about all that stuff you have, is that you? You car, your house or apartment is that you? Do you even know who you are aside from what you do, your relationship and what you own? I dare say you don't. If you think I'm wrong. Describe yourself and consider the description you use. You don't know who you are any more than I know who you are.

Maybe it's time to start taking time to think about who you are. Quiet time. Alone time. Just time. What if you lost everything. Would you lose yourself?

Friday, July 4, 2008

I Love TED

I discovered a site that is like virtual crack to me. I am utterly and completely hooked. There are people from all aspects of life: technology, entertainment, and design... Did you notice? What do you mean notice what.... Look! Technology, Entertainment and Design... TED. Some of the greatest minds around are given 18 minutes to present there ideas and in some cases their life's work. It's fascinating. I hope you will check it out and enjoy!