Sunday, November 21, 2010

What's Next for Travel Security?

The TSA is always reactive. The shoe bomber made us have to take our shoes off at the airport. The underwear bomber made the invasive pat down possible. OMG! I hope no one tries to smuggle a bomb in a body cavity. The TSA might just hire gynecologists and proctologists to check us out. It seems a little strange that one incident (shoe bomber, underwear bomber, etc.) causes millions of people to have to be subjected to these security changes. In September I was pulled aside for an airport screening check. I didn't get the now publicized invasive pat down, but it felt really crazy standing there in a glass box with my bare feet waiting to see what they would ask me to be subjected to. I eventually got the evil eye and the wand search... probably while arms and drug dealers slipped right through. Flying is getting less and less attractive as a means of transportation.

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