Sunday, May 3, 2009


I read the final exams of my students from the Critical Thinking class, which recently concluded. Happily, I recognized that some had grasped the concept of what it is to think critically. In most cases, their essays expressed thought and reflection born of curiosity, assignments completed, reading done, and effort to leave the classroom with more than just having warmed the seat.

I then watched the movie, The Great Debaters, telling the story of Prof. Melvin B. Tolson and the Wiley College debating team of 1935. This heart-warming and heart-wrenching story speaks of times and tales past and present. Excellence requires great sacrifice. Excellence overcomes great obstacles.

The other day I listened to National Public Radio and heard a self-proclaimed, white woman, who railed against blacks who seemed to be taking everything away from good, American, hard working whites. In 2009, I cringed to hear the tone of her voice, which exuded great hatred and malice. She spoke of our president, Barack Obama, and those who would have blacks take over the country. I wondered if she believed that the excellence, as exhibited by the hard work and dedication of our president and the many blacks who have toiled and studied to meet and even exceed those who set the standard, should go unrecognized to placate those who choose their own ignorance and insecurity over progress.

After thinking about these things, I wrote:


Excellence is no accident
The product of intelligence, diligence and prospective vision
Excellence rises
Excellence knows not color, status or circumstance
Excellence knows only effort and endurance

---Theresa E. Berger (2009)

If we are to progress and be the great nation we proclaim to be, we MUST pursue excellence and put away ignorance and self-righteous indignation.

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